Working with Weakness: How to be Successful in the Midst of Distractions, Laziness, and More

A weakness doesn’t have to be an obstacle. Sometimes, it can even be a strength. Let’s talk about some relatable weaknesses and how to transform our habits to achieve a happy and healthy life.

Easily Distracted

brown tabby cat on white table

As an easily distracted person, I try using this trait to my advantage. For example, if I am about to make a weighty decision or make a purchase I’m unsure of, I’ll take a break or leave it on my to-do list to check out later. If I wait long enough, I either forget about the item or recognize that I didn’t need it. If there is a recurring issue that could be fixed by purchasing a gadget, that’s when I know it’s worth getting.

One way to work with a short attention span is by planning out and switching tasks every 30 min – 1 hour. This is the typical attention span that people have; feel free to adjust the time as it suits you. This trick keeps you alert and engaged with whatever you’re working on at the moment.

So Much Emotion

To-do lists are great but emotions often play a huge role in how you get your work done and if you get your work done. I mentally prepare myself for what I plan to do the next day and the next week so that I can look forward to being productive and getting my tasks done.

person climbing concrete stairs

I don’t have a super strict schedule, but rather, a goal to finish certain things before the day ends. When I am motivated to do something healthy/productive, like if I feel like moving around, I will lean into that emotion and workout for 5 minutes, then 10 minutes. As I get into the groove of working out, my mind is then focused on the task and I no longer have to force myself.

We do foolish things when our emotions are running high. One way to combat this is by writing down your thoughts and letting it sit on the page as you adjust the phrasing, reorder your thoughts, and figure out what is appropriate to say. I find this process helps to uncover the root issues of my frustrations. Digital notes are easier to edit, but some people prefer using paper and pen.

Feeling Lazy

We all have those moments of burnout, especially after a whole day of mentally-draining work. A little prep work here and there enables you to finish chores very quickly the next day and feel super accomplished.

Being lazy is a common motivation for finding more efficient ways to get things done. Remembering what is important to you also helps to focus your time and energy on where it matters, and to cut down on your investment in other things.


If we only consider our own perspective, we can fall into the trap of being overconfident in our choices. It’s essential to get another person’s perspective – not just a stranger on the internet, but someone who knows you and your situation.

two women sitting on chair

For minor decisions such as deciding what tissues to buy, no need to waste your time asking for input, but for larger purchases or life-changing decisions, you’ll definitely want more insight from those closest to you. Once you have thoroughly weighed your options, make a decision and stick with it unless there is a very good reason to change your mind.


person writing on a book

Ah, the reason why the ‘Forgot my password’ feature exists. If your memory has ever failed you, don’t trust it again. It’s good to recognize our limitations.

Trying to remember everything that needs to be done can be mentally straining. If you find yourself forgetting tasks, write it down right away to keep yourself accountable. There’s no shortage of tools that allow easy ways to track and retrieve information. If you follow through on your promises to others, then others can rely on you as a man or woman of your word. This also demonstrates your respect and care for others.

If you take digital notes and are worried it will detract from the conversation, just let them know you’re making a quick note to let people know that you are still mentally present. If I need to provide an update or ask someone a question, I prefer to do so right away instead of letting it sit on my to-do list, but sometimes it’s wiser to wait for the right time in regards to sensitive or serious situations.

Being forgetful is, sometimes, a good thing as irrelevant thoughts more easily fade in the background allowing you to focus more clearly on the task at hand.

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Every person has their own unique set of skills, experience, and personality. These are not weaknesses, but opportunities to grow or potentially leverage as strengths, so don’t feel discouraged by any of your traits. You just need to find a method as unique as you. God often uses the weak and lowly to do amazing things. (1 Corinthians 1:27)

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