Hot Weather, Cool Solutions: Bug Control Tips

a couple of people that are standing in the grass

Some bugs are cool, and some bugs are creepy. Regardless, most of us don’t want to be bugged by them! Below are some thoughts and tips to help deal with this common summer issue:

If You Want to Show Mercy

I personally feel bad for killing bugs and will try not to if I can help it. After all, they are God’s creation too. If you would like to remove bugs from your home but don’t want to kill them, consider using a dedicated container for bringing bugs back to where they belong: outside.

A clear container with a lid will work well as it will help you see where the bug is, and you can use the lid to keep it in the container. Don’t forget to label your container with its intended purpose! You don’t want to accidentally use it for food or wearables.

Catch the Bugs

Consider getting bug traps and placing them in discrete locations around your home. Set a reminder to check on them in a few months if you think you will forget to change or clean them. I ended up getting these sticky traps which work great. I recommend placing them in an open box or folding it into a rectangle tunnel shape, so you don’t accidentally get something else stuck on these traps. This additional step also helps to cover up the bugs that get stuck on the sticky pad which is pretty gross to see.

Bug Bites

The reason why mosquito bites are itchy is due to how our bodies react to their saliva, which involves an immune response producing a chemical called histamine which is intensified with the presence of oxygen.

I apologize for not being able to find the specific research I read a long time ago, but my solution has been to put tape on the bite or cover with an Asian medicine my family has, which isn’t specifically used for bug bites but I find helps relieve the itching. Taking anti-histamines help seem to help as well.

If you choose to cover with tape, I recommend packaging tape as you can cover a larger area while the smooth surface prevents you from scratching. I’m not sure the science behind it, but scratching it will only make it itchier and take longer to heal. Make sure to cover the area around the bug bite as well.


While natural herbs such as lavender, time, and cinnamon help to repel mosquitoes, it won’t really stop them from turning you into their meal (sadly speaking from personal experience). Wearing thick jeans or additional layers is a more practical solution to help prevent you from getting bit.

There are different types of natural repellents for various bugs, so if you’re interested in  deterring them from your home, I encourage you to look into your options. The information is very accessible.


I’m not giving professional medical advice here. I’m simply sharing my discoveries. If you have abnormal symptoms after getting bitten by a bug, please go see a medical professional. If you don’t have the money to do so, Google is the next best thing in my opinion.

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