Divine Differences: A Call for Unity

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It’s impossible to transform culture overnight. Jesus understood this and showed grace to his disciples for them to grow into their roles. Progress begins with a conversation, a sharing of a story, and a call to action. People need time to think through how they’ve been going about things and consider something new. This isn’t possible until we are willing to forgive, and instead focus on the growth and potential of unity as a community. 

Diversity is Divine

Why are we created differently? Just as a bird’s flight displays elegance and a lion’s strength shows power, God’s glory is revealed through the different facets of creation even when creation is marred with brokenness. People, being made in God’s likeness, have the greatest potential to display His glory and character. By embracing the differences between people, we are challenged to love and respect one another despite our differences.

Jesus calls us to a myriad of ways to love one another: with honor, respect, gentleness, humility, and kindness—all regardless of social class or gender (Galatians 3:28). He won’t force anyone, but extends an open invitation to all who turn from their own path and choose life in Him.

Perfection is Possible

No matter who we are, where we come from, or what we’ve done, everyone has equal value. And if we choose to place our identity in Jesus, then our past mistakes and wrongdoings are wiped clean. He gives us His perfection as a starting point for a chance to become our best selves, even on days when we feel like a mess! This is reflected in passages like Galatians 3:28, which underscores the equality of all people in Christ.

Why can’t we just be better? 

Without God’s standards for our morals and values, we come up with our own value system. When this happens, everyone’s value system unsurprisingly ends up wildly different, contending with each other down to the smallest details in life. It’s a recipe for endless debates over whose ideas are better for society. With our limited knowledge and stubborn hearts, our solution is not found in your way or my way, but in God’s way which leads to a fullness of life and human flourishing.


So why do we sometimes feel so far from this ideal? Maybe it’s because we’re often stuck in our own perspectives, clashing over who’s right and who’s wrong. But if we let go of these constant debates and look to a higher standard, we might find a clear path to real connection and respect. We need a lot of humility and teamwork! Let’s move forward with this in mind, creating a space where diversity is celebrated and everyone’s value is truly recognized.

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